The Modern Colour Workshop ebook covers the basics of colour theory and explores how it relates to choosing fabrics for your quilts. You will learn about colour relationships and why they matter, how to curate a colour palette using an inspiration source, find a way to use that ‘ugly’ fabric.
The ebook also includes the instructions to complete the colour wheel quilt featured on the cover.
Download the Modern Colour Workshop now. Yay!

Just as a painter creates art with paint, a quilter creates art with fabric.
If you ask me, one of the most enjoyable parts of making a quilt is playing with the fabric. I love creating colour combinations with the fabrics from my stash. There are often little piles of fabric around the house, waiting to become a quilt. They don’t always grow up to become something more, but the potential is there.
Sometimes my quilts start with the fabrics and other times, a quilt pattern needs a fabric palette.
While I don’t want to dictate what colours you should love and want to use, I would love to challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, add more variety to your quilts and become more confident creating your future projects.
Choosing the right fabric palette for a quilt can definitely be overwhelming at times. I have developed this book as a workshop to help you understand colour, and how to use it for quilting. We will go through four creative exercises to help you explore colour and put your learning into practice. Next time you make a quilt you can refer back to these exercises and use them to develop your own dynamic fabric palettes.

Show us what you make
You can take part by playing along with the hashtag on Instagram and the Raspberry Spool Sewing Club on Facebook. I would absolutely love you to include in your posts what you have learned through the exercises, because that’s kind of the point of the book! The hashtag on Instagram is #moderncolourworkshop

[…] was lucky enough to get a preview of Modern Colour Workshop from Crystal of Raspberry Spool. If you haven’t been to her website before, definitely go […]
I am having a hard time finding where to sign up for the mini INspiration quilt swap. Can you please direct me to it? Thanks so much!
Hi Devon – try this link:
I’ve never done a swap before so I’m a little nervous (and excited). I’m already having a hard time with Step One- deciding on an Inspiration photo. I have two photos in mind. One is beautifully serene. The other has personal meaning but visually cluttered. How do I chose a Inspiration?
Both your images sound fun. I wouldn’t worry that it is too cluttered, it’s just supposed to be a starting point to choose colours. We’d love to have you join us!